Below is a list of individuals and organizations who provide landscape and tree-related services.
The City is responsible for maintaining mature street trees. Learn more about the StreetTree SF tree maintenance program and the city's pruning schedule here. If you are interested in hiring an arborist to assess or prune a street tree, you must first opt out of the StreetTree SF program (call 628-652-8733) and then hire a certified arborist.
Everyone on the list has made a monetary or in-kind gift of $500 or more to support our work in greening San Francisco.
Friends of the Urban Forest is not responsible for the outcome of the services provided.
Services: Tree planting, Tree maintenance including pruning, Stump removal & grinding, Landscape gardens and design, etc.
Email: contact@arboristsnow.com
Phone: 415-310-7781
Services: Urban tree care including Pruning, Arboreal Visits, Tree Planting, Stump Removal and Grinding, Tree Consultations. Certified Arborist #6488A, Qualified Tree Risk Assessor #1177, Bird & Wildlife Qualified.
Email: info@cctreedesign.com
Phone: 415-239-6100
Services: Landscape gardening, Landscape design, Landscape maintenance, Tree Planting
Email: michael@mandevillegarden.com
Phone: 415-272-5465
Services: Arboreal Visits, Tree Planting, Tree Pruning, Tree Removal, Stump Removal and Grinding, Tree Consultations.
Email: office@urbanarboristsf.com
Phone: 415-676-1949
Services: Tree planting, Tree maintenance including pruning, Stump removal & grinding, Plant & Soil Analysis, Insect and Disease Management, etc.
Email: sanfranciscooffice@bartlett.com
Phone: 415-206-0790
Services: Tree consultations, garden consultations, arborist reports, tree risk assessments, tree protection during construction.
Email: ellyn.shea@sbcglobal.net
Phone: 415-846-0190
Services: Tree planting, landscape garden installation, design, and maintenance.
Email: info@sflandscapes.com
Phone: 415-585-9137
Services: Tree health, Structure and Risk Assessments, Tree Inventories, Arborist Reports for development projects, Tree Appraisals
Email: john@woodreeveconsulting.com
Phone: 510-387-5241