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Planting Positivity

Updated: Oct 20, 2022

Juan Burciaga, Community Planting Manager

As a Community Planting Manager for Friends of the Urban Forest, I transform streets and neighborhoods by planting street trees. I love my job and I love the results! The more I learn about the value of urban forestry, the more committed I am to this work.

One of the best parts of tree planting is hearing kind words from people who live nearby. I want to share with you some of the written comments we've gotten so you can enjoy the positive feedback too:

"The impacts of FUF’s efforts are immediately visible in the change and feel to neighborhoods with street trees." — Caesar, Outer Richmond
"We love keeping our city green. Parth and I love the tree that FUF planted on our block. It's beautiful and adds color and health to our block." — Scott, Portola
"Your organization is now paying more attention to our forgotten neighborhoods, such as OMI [Oceanview, Merced Heights, Ingleside], Excelsior & Crocker Amazon. Keep going!" — Julie, Crocker Amazon

Planting trees isn't just an investment in a more sustainable city -- it's an investment in making San Francisco a happier place.

My nephew Benny waters a young Australian Willow (Geijera parviflora) in the Excelsior neighborhood.

I'm a third-generation San Franciscan. One of my favorite experiences was planting three Australian Willows (Geijera parviflora) in the Excelsior – my mom's neighborhood – last year. She loves those trees and I'm proud to see them thriving. Check out this photo of my nephew, Benny, watering one of them.

People say they like what we're doing. They may not be thinking about the way trees fight climate change by storing carbon, or the way they reduce pressure on our storm/sewer system by capturing rainwater, or the way they calm traffic, relieve stress, reduce the urban heat island effect, or provide many other benefits. Maybe they just enjoy the beauty and diversity of the dozens of tree species we plant.

And I'm passing some of that appreciation along to you.

"You do amazing work and it will live on in San Francisco." — Alice, Miraloma

Let’s continue to plant this kind of positivity in San Francisco!

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